Sunday, January 3, 2021

Don't Look Back

Let me tell you a secret.  I HATE New Year's Eve!

Auld Lang Syne makes me melancholy. I know I'm not alone in this.

Even this year I was feeling the same way.

Resolutions? They only put unnecessary pressure on us. New Year, New You! Eat healthy! Exercise more! Organize! Declutter! 

Blah, blah, blah.

Who made these rules anyway???

Then, like a sign from the universe while I was driving to a walking trail on New Year's Day, I hear the song, "Don't Look Back" by Boston.  And just like that I thought, this I can handle. Forward, onward.

Yes, yes I know it is basically the same message as Auld Lang Syne, but it's put in a much more declarative way. Don't. Look. Back.

So I pondered this song and the message the universe was sending me while I took my walk. I've decided to focus more on what I can control. I'm not setting more unrealistic goals I won't achieve and putting pressure on myself. I'm choosing to focus on other statements and sentiments that matter to me like:

  • giving grace to others and myself
  • expressing gratitude, which I've always believed in but feel is even more important now
  • committing to those who support me and my purpose and
  • getting to work on what matters.
I'm not looking back.

As I walked some more, I continued to think.  Yes, I can do this, and I bet my NYSUT sisterhood circle can too.

There's so much work to be done and through NYSUT's Women's Committee we've created a circle of support committed to equality, equity, fairness, safety and progress. To learn more about our committee and how you can start or join a chapter near you go to

NYSUT women will set their own course, on their own timeline, with those who will genuinely support and nurture them and their vision for the future.

I'm not looking back and either are they.

2021 here we come!

A Family of Educators - My final speech as NYSUT's Executive Vice President

  Educators are my family. In the narrowest sense, members of my immediate family have been educators – I will talk about one in a moment. ...